What would this journey be like??! Would you be scared? Here is what the students came up with for a short story, staring with....
"I sat on my bike and looked..."
I felt scared. "I don't wanna do this," I said to myself.
I looked down where it was going to end. Is there water? Am I going to fall off? I pushed off with my shaking feet. I went over the bumps, the track never ended. I started to go sliding off my seat. My hands were frozen from the cold air. I jammed the brake on and my back wheel stopped. I flew over my handle bars and slammed on the slide.
I saw my dad behind me. He said, "Come on!" So I took a big breath and closed my eyes. I pushed the pedal and.... I started screaming, super-loud like a jet. I was also going super fast like a jet. After two and a half minutes and halfway down, I was still screaming. BANG!!! I'm in bed, screaming still but I stop. I go back to sleep.
I started leaning forwards and my bike started moving. I screamed, "I'm going down!"
As I went down the people up the top started putting bubbles down the slide. I looked down. I started feeling like I was going to throw up. I leaned to the side and threw up over the edge. When I saw the bottom there was water. I started freaking out. I fell in the water. My brain finally stopped going round and round.
I felt dizzy as I fell down the slide. The cold mist air hit me in the face as I released the pink old rusty bike. After three minutes I reached the bottom. Then the bike hit my head, flew into an old tree and hugged it. In the end I broke both legs and my right arm.
I felt scared. What will happen when I get to the bottom? What is at the bottom, in fact? Just then, I heard someone running to me. "Stop!!" I screamed but I said it too late. I was already going down the slide at 150 miles an hour.
"Help!" I screamed.
I sat on my bike and looked for any chance of death. Looking down for so long was bad and I closed my eyes and let go of he brakes. The first jump came and I landed it with a big THUD! After that, the second jump came and I lost my bike, so I activated my parachute. I floated down safely and landed.
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