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Monday, May 18, 2015

Report Writing - Researching

Now that we are completely revolted-out by instructional writing, we are now moving onto writing reports.  Yesterday we sat down and talked about the purpose of writing a report - to share information, to educate, and to find out.

We decided we would write reports on an animal of choice - not a typical cat or dog, but a type of animal that it would be interesting to learn about.

As a group, we set the criteria of what the structure of our report would look like:
  1. title
  2. introduction - animal, classification, country it is found, size, predator/prey
  3. habitat - where it lives
  4. diet - what it eats
  5. body covering - fur/feathers/scales/skin - can it camouflage?
  6. life cycle
  7. interesting facts
  8. conclusion - is it endangered?
We made a small booklet to keep our notes in.  Students then decided what animal they wanted to find out more about.
  • Chelsea - cheetah
  • Gideon - leopard
  • Ella - serval
  • Matt - meerkat
  • Ethan - praying mantis
  • Shaun - salt water crocodile
  • Ms. M - orca
However, we also discussed that this might change, depending on the availability of information we could find.

Today we went to the BIS library to start our research about our animals.  We got out encyclopaedias and found that most animal information is located in the non-fiction section around the 590s.

Next, we walked down to Infused in Stoke to have a hot chocolate (needed by all budding writers to help with inspiration :) ) and discussed what a bibliography was, its purpose, and what information is needed.  We also talked about how we were going to find information in the texts we find:
- use an index
- look for main ideas in the text that covered the categories we had selected
- make short notes in our booklet under the titles (we can write full sentences later)
- use skimming and scanning techniques to find specific information

Our next stop was Stoke Library where a lovely librarian gave us a lot of her time and helped us source books on our various animals.  Gideon, Ethan and Shaun found that they needed to change their topic (leopard, praying mantis, saltwater crocodile) and then were able to find more information for their report.

Unfortunately, time just went too quickly.  We are hoping to make a return trip tomorrow to get more information from the books we found - at least we now know where to find them!  What a lovely morning out doing some writing!!

Ms. M

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Revolting Recipes

How did we get inspired to write our own 'revolting recipes'?  Here is our inspiration.


To make my Family puke

1C Of boogers,
4t Of freshly picked men's hair,
3 mouldy eggs,
2 pig kidneys,
3C Of black sand

Wooden spoon
Frying pan
Chopping board

1. First get the bowl and crack 3 eggs into it. Get the spoon and stir until smooth.
2. Next add the black sand into the mixture and stir until thick.
3. Third pick up the knife and put the kidneys onto a chopping board and chop into little pieces.
4. Now use the hair and with your mixture slowly add it while stirring.
5. Open the drawer, get out the frying pan and put on the element. Slowly spread the mixture on the pan.
6. Wait until your mixture is cooked. You will now it is cooked when light and fluffy.
7. Turn over and cook the other side.
8. After you’ve done that add the kidneys to the pancake.


By Ethan

                                  Pig brain salami


10 rusty nails

2 by 2m of cow skin

2 Crushed up brick with a pinch of dynamite

2 mutated bats

1 L of mushed up vegetables

5 kg of 1 year old pig brains


1 mincer from a giants castle

142 gallon drum

1 tree



1. First dump all of the ingredients except the 10 rusty nails and cow skin into the 42 gallon drum and start mixing for a hour with the tree.

2. Now mince up the the tree and put it in the drum.

3.Next lay out the cow skin with 6 rusty nails to make it into a cylinder block up one end with 2 nails.

4.Clean the giants mincer,grap off any human heads.They don't taste nice.

5.Put the  cow skin cylinder over the end of the mincer.

6.Slowly turn the crank on the mincer until the cow skin cylinder is full.

7.Put the 2 rusty nails in the end of thats open open.
8.Now cook on a BBQ at 1000.c until tender.
9.Finally serve on a plate.

(Tip: Serve with slimy sausages)


Pancake Flipping Smiley
Pukey Pancakes
Wooden spoon
1 litre container
Tea towel (mouldy)
Cake rack

1 Handful cats saliva
2 Half eaten lemons
2 Bottoms of mouldy shoes blended
2 Handfuls of mouldy mashed slugs
5 Mashed rotten potatoes
1 Bottle of maple syrup

1.  Gather all of your ingredients and equipment.
2. Then start by sifting the mouldy mashed slugs Into a big bowl.
3. Next make a well in the middle of the slugs and add the cat’s saliva, mix thoroughly.
4. Now get the blended mouldy shoes and sprinkle them on top.  Fold in slowly with a wooden spoon.
5. Then put the frying pan on the stove and turn it on.
6. Next, scoop out some of the mixture and put in the pan.
7. Now when it starts to bubble flip it over.
8. Then wait until the other side bubbles and place it on a cake rack.  Put the mouldy green tea towel over top.
9. After you have done that you can put another one on the pan and do the same thing to the rest of the mixture as well.
10. Let them cool for five minutes.
11. Grab the masher and mash some rotten potatoes.  Spread some on each pancake.
12. Then grab the maple syrup and go crazily on the pancakes.  Next squeeze some lemons on top.
13. Now eat.


Donuts and Coffee

Dumpy donuts

Goal:  get anyone to eat this.

2 handfuls of over-cooked rotting dough
3 L of cow poo
20 handfuls of rotting jawbreakers
2 tons of 3 year old coffee
3 L Old goat's blood
1 L of 2 day old vinegar water

Wooden spoon
Sharp knife

  • Gather all your equipment, wash your hands and get ready to cook.
  • Check if you have all your ingredients, and let's get cookin'
  • First take the rotting dough and place it on the bench in a circle.
  • Now take the cow poo and spread it across the top unevenly around the top of the circle.
  • After, take the water, coffee, and blood and spread it on top of it.
  • Lastly place the jawbreakers on top of the circle spread evenly.
  • Finally freeze it for 1 hour and serve on a plate.

By Gideon

Homer Snitches Cake Frosting

Two cups of bats blood
1 and a half cups of pigs eyeballs
1 bucketful of horse hair
13g of sugar sand
501g of dandruff
1 cup of baby powder

Wooden spoon
Cake tray
Measuring cups
Weighing scales

  • Gather all of your equipment and get ready to cook.
  • Get your bowl and pour your bats blood in with the sugar sand.
  • Thirdly add half of the horse hair and the pigs eyeballs and mix.
  • Now sift the baby powder.
  • Add the other half of the horse hair and mix.
  • Spread the mixture on baking paper and place on a baking tray.
  • Put the oven on 200 oC.
  • After cooking for 6 hours take it out and let it cool on a chopping board.
  • When it is cooled down cut it into pieces and put the pieces into a container.

By Ella.


Goal: to make people puke.

2 mouldy bugns
½ C 2 day-old blood
3 mouldy lettuces
1 mouldy and bloody tomato
1C puke
1/2C cowpoo

greasy BBQ

·      Preheat the BBQ to 200oC.
·      Get 2 mouldy buns and place them on the plate you got.
·      Secondly, get ½ a cup of 2 day old blood and spread it on the bread.
·      Thirdly get three mouldy lettuces and put them on the buns.
·      Next, get 1 mouldy and bloody tomato and place it carefully on the bun.
·      After that you want to get your BBQ and your ½ cup of cow poo.  Put the cow poo on the BBQ and flip it over when it has been five seconds.  Cook for another five seconds then take off.
·      After that put the patty on the bun with 1 cup of puke.
·      Finally put the second mouldy bun on and eat.


How to Make a Sandwich

How do you make a sandwich?  It may sound simple but how would you explain this to someone from another planet?!

What language is used?  How are instructions or a recipe structured?

One of the most important thing about writing is having an audience - someone to share it with.  An audience gives us a purpose for our writing.   Students read their writing to each other, giving each other positive feedback and suggesting ideas of how to make it sound better.

Students were given the option to have a vegemite, marmite, jam, peanut butter or Nutella (ewwww!) sandwich.  Apparently they were all delicious - especially the Nutella ones!!! ;)